Use one of the search options on the home page.
Get results within seconds showing all relevant data from the AWS ip-ranges.json file.
Report files will be automatically created ready for download.
It's free and public.

Frequently Asked Questions

This website is a public service to anyone that wants to use it to query the AWS ip-ranges.json file quickly and easily. It was born out of a Network Engineers frustration while trying to query this data using the methods provided by AWS as long ago as 2015.

Is this site owned by AWS or Amazon or any of it's associcated compainies?
This website is not owned, operated, or associated with AWS in anyway.
No Amazon or AWS resources were used in the creation or operation of this website and data herein, other than that which is in the public domain or consumed as an AWS public customer.

So what does this site do?

If you're here then you want one thing. Information! Yep that's it, but not just any information - specifically information pertaining to a specific AWS IP address or service.
Using you can return matching prefixes, regions, services and network-border-group information from AWS ip-ranges.json public file using several search methods with multiple parameters.

  Using the "IP Host & Service End Point Query" search, users can enter:

  • a host IPv4 address
  • a host IPv6 address
  • an AWS Service End Point FQDN (URL)
  • a list separated by a space of any of the above, or a combination of any of the above
  •   Using the "Service and Region Attribute Query" search, users can select from auto populated dropdown list for, region, service and network-border-group.

    The match logic uses an AND function between these 3 variables and returns "true" where the AWS variable contains the selected value. Or simply, it just follows human logic!

    Results are displayed in an easy to read table format and links are provided immediately to download these results in both .csv and .txt file formats.

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